When Mediating your Divorce Remember…

When Mediating your Divorce Remember…

  1. Understanding your spouse’s position is not the same as agreeing with it.
  2. Agree to be reasonable.
  3. When you’re willing to try to understand the other’s position, as long as it’s at least reasonable and makes sense (the reasonableness of which I understand is in the eye of the beholder), agreeing to it means you’ve just taken a step toward a settlement. You are not raising a white flag.
  4. You cannot force someone to stay married to you so you’re not giving in or giving up by accepting a necessary compromise.
  5. Your spouse has legal rights that can’t be stripped away.

Mediation is not for you if…

  1. You have an emotional axe to grind, mediation is resolution focused.
  2. You want to gamble with your assets, child custody and support issues.
  3. You want someone to argue for you for more than your equitable share of your marital estate.
  4. You want to gamble with legal and/or procedural rules, loopholes, exemptions and exception that may come into play through litigation.