Grieving and Healing Through Separation and Divorce

In my blogs I like to add my perspective to an expert’s article.  My theory is that I may add my expertise from working with divorcing couples to the ‘authority’ I find online.  In today’s case, the article that caught my attention was not written by a therapist, lawyer or financier, but is an author’s…

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Tips for Co-Parenting Teens

TIPS FOR CO-PARENTING TEENS Back in August 2011 we spent some time providing tips for co-parenting children returning to school as well as some helpful tips for transitioning into the role of stepparent.  As we all know, teenagers are transitioning through their own unique growth process.  Divorced parents are struggling with navigating the teenage years…

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How are Custody Issues Addressed in Mediation?

One of the best gifts a divorcing couple can give to their children is to work together to resolve their issues rather than tearing each other apart through a contentious court litigation fight.  Mediation can be the couple’s first opportunity to learn to work together under potentially stressful circumstances to make decisions in the best…

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Back to School Tips for Divorced Co-parents

Following on the heels of last week’s suggestions for stepparents, the tips for divorced co-parenting are also based on common sense.  It’s still helpful to follow a guided outline of do’s and don’t’s especially when your children are involved.  This way you ensure that both parents and stepparents stay focused on their children’s best interests. …

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