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Talking with Your Children About Your Divorce
The article 7 Tips for Communicating with Your Children About Your Divorce is a wonderful guide to how to talk with your children about your divorce. It is key that both parents are together when speaking with the children. I would add that determining whether you speak with each child separately or not would depend…
How Does Divorce Mediation Work?
Facing a divorce is confusing. You are approaching an unfamiliar process. Have your heard about divorce mediation? Here is my summary of the divorce mediation process. I work with both husband and wife together. You don’t need to be on the same page regarding the resolution of your divorce matters. You do need to be in agreement…
Flexibility and generosity should always be your guiding mantra as you navigate through your shared parenting time arrangements. Human nature being what it is, your ex-spouse will be more willing to work with you instead of against you if you offer the same. For example, Spouse A has a family gathering on a Sunday a…
Pets in Divorce
Pets are considered personal property in divorce. Some states will consider who will retain the pet as part of their overall division of personal property, but not to enforce a visitation schedule. In the event that the court does entertain the determination of which spouse shall retain the pet (usually dogs) the following considerations are…
When Mediating your Divorce Remember…
When Mediating your Divorce Remember… Understanding your spouse’s position is not the same as agreeing with it. Agree to be reasonable. When you’re willing to try to understand the other’s position, as long as it’s at least reasonable and makes sense (the reasonableness of which I understand is in the eye of the beholder), agreeing…
Divorce and the Affordable Care Act
If you are the spouse covered on your employer’s plan, you won’t lose your health insurance coverage. You will drop your soon to be ex-spouse when your divorce is finalized with the court since the divorce would be considered a life changing event. If you have a plan directly from an insurance carrier, you…