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4 Tax Tips For Divorcing Couples
According to Barbara Zell Weinberger, Esq. writing for the Huffington Post, The following are the most commonly asked questions asked by divorcing couples during tax season. (The additions which I have added are italicized and contained in parentheses.) 1. Do we file jointly or as individuals? The law states that every individual must file according…
Turning Divorce Lemons into Lemonade
Some of the time there is mutual agreement as spouses head for divorce. Of course this is the ideal situation for two people heading for such a significant transitional period in their lives. Even under the best of circumstances, however, there are challenges and obstacles as each individual embarks on their independent lives. Sometimes one…
Tips for Co-Parenting Teens
TIPS FOR CO-PARENTING TEENS Back in August 2011 we spent some time providing tips for co-parenting children returning to school as well as some helpful tips for transitioning into the role of stepparent. As we all know, teenagers are transitioning through their own unique growth process. Divorced parents are struggling with navigating the teenage years…
Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement, also referred to as premarital or antenuptial agreement, is entered into prior to marriage for the purpose of determining the couple’s rights and obligations in the event they ultimately divorce. The agreement must be in writing with a statement of assets attached. The marriage of the parties triggers the agreement. The law…
Alimony Reform Letters to the Editor
Alimony reform has already been discussed as a hot button issue in New Jersey. New Jersey courts will order permanent alimony in divorces under certain circumstances such as to a dependent spouse in a long term marriage. The loudest proponent of alimony reform in New Jersey has been Tom Leustek, a professor at Rutgers and the co-founder…
Social Security Benefits and Divorce
An individual is entitled to collect Social Security benefits based on his or her own earnings history, or 50% of the spouse or former spouse’s benefit, if it is greater than the individual’s, or 100% if the spouse is deceased. In the event that the individual is divorced, it must have been a marriage of…