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Katy Perry and Russell Brand Teach Us How Not to Approach Marriage
“[D]eal with the “we” before you get married so that you don’t have to later ask, what about me?” Very important advice by Dr. Jane Greer in her Huff Post article, ‘Katy Perry And Russell Brand: How Do You Start Your Marriage Right So It Doesn’t End Wrong?’ Married only 14 months, how did they…
2012: Another New Year
According to the dictionary there are several definitions for the word, “resolution,” such as: 1. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something. 2. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. 3. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute;…
Permanent Alimony Reform
Currently New Jersey still provides for permanent alimony under certain circumstances including long term marriage and/or a significant discrepancy in earning capacity between the parties. According to a recent article by Elizabeth Benedict in the Huff Post, times they are a changing. A grassroots movement in Massachusetts begun by an individual, Stephen Hitner, brought the…
The Impact of Generosity in a Successful Marriage or Divorce
The New York Times recently reported on the role of generosity in a successful marriage. The research came from a recent study of 2,870 men and women conducted by the University of Virginia’s National Marriage Project (“State of Our Unions” report from the National Marriage Project). According to the research cited in the article, “[w]hile…
Why Isn’t Kim Kardashian Getting Her Marriage Annulled?
I’ve been hearing radio talk show hosts discussing the recently announced Kardashian divorce. One pervading question that everyone seems to be asking is why aren’t they getting the marriage annulled since it only lasted 72 days. The answer is simple. There are no grounds for annulment. The grounds for annulment in California are, “Party did…
Top 10 Divorce Rulings
Family law varies from state to state, however, historically the US Supreme Court and other high level courts have handed down some pivotal divorce rulings. The following is the very interesting Huff Post list of top 10 divorce cases. Diemer v. Diemer, 1960, established that “refusal to have sex with one’s spouse constitutes abandonment of…