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Do I Have to Appear in Court for Divorce Mediation?
The state which has jurisdiction over the parties’ divorce dictates whether they ever have to appear in court before a judge. If the couple lives in Pennsylvania, the answer is no. So long as both parties are cooperating with the divorce process and procedure, they never have to go to court in order to obtain a consensual divorce. If the…
What Becomes of the Ring?
In both New Jersey and Pennsylvania, an engagement ring is a conditional gift given in exchange for the promise of marriage. If the engagement is broken and the marriage doesn’t occur, regardless of fault, the ring is returned to the giver. The problem occurs once the marriage has taken place and the couple is faced…
Living Together During the Divorce Process
The majority of couples heading for divorce face the uncomfortable and often very stressful transition period of living under the same roof while knowing you are heading in different directions. One of the many positive attributes of the mediation process is that you can work out personal and financial guidelines while you are still living…
Can We Use Mediation If We Don’t Get Along Well?
Most of the time a primary reason that a couple is headed for divorce is because there’s been a break down in communication. While it is always a pleasure to work with a couple who is concerned about the well-being of their spouse, it is not a requirement. It is the job of your mediator…
Surviving Divorce Transitions from Initial Loneliness to New Friendships
There are many transitions one goes through when divorcing. There is the obvious change in marital status, but the are many ancillary losses and rebirths that follow. One of the first experiences that may strike you is that first weekend you spend alone when your children are with the alternate parent. You need to be…
More Tips for Divorced Parents to Prepare for the School Year
Several weeks ago as school approached I blogged on divorced couples co-parenting tips for the new school year. This is such an important topic that when I saw the recent Huffington Post article that suggested some additional co-parenting tips and support, I thought it was important to dedicate another blog to the topic in order…