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Divorce and Your Credit Score
If one person is taking sole responsibility for the joint mortgage or any other joint debt as part of the overall agreement of the divorcing couple, it is important for the alternate spouse to have access to the account and ongoing statements during the period of joint ownership. It is important to understand the risk…
How the New Tax Law Will Affect Alimony
An important change is coming in divorce law as a result of the new tax act. Alimony payments have been deductible to the payor and taxable to the payee for the past 75 years. As a result of the new tax act, alimony will no longer be deductible by the payor or taxable to the…
Divorce and Shared Parenting
Courts are supporting shared parenting arrangements with both parents significantly involved more and more. As you can see from the article, “After divorce, shared parenting is best for children’s health and development,” the psychological research shows that significant time with both parents profoundly helps your children.
Tips to Reduce Your Stress of Divorce
The article, Reduce the Stress of a Divorce, addresses some well-advised coping techniques for going through a divorce. In general, don’t go it alone. Cut yourself a break. Take time for yourself and don’t beat yourself up. Break down your tasks into manageable pieces. While you need to listen to your inner voice to make the…
Make Sure You Are Not Making These Huge Divorce Mistakes
It can be so hard to be strong when you are going through a divorce. It is the time you most want to wallow. There is time for wallowing on a Saturday afternoon, but you also must keep your head and your wits about you while going through a divorce. The article below succinctly lists…
Tips for a Healthy Divorce
You will always be the parents to your children. Forever. Please remember to keep the adult issues between the adults. Your children have enough to deal with adjusting to life’s changes, so please be careful. I recommend that mediation parents consult with a therapist to learn the best way to tell their children about their…