divorce mediation
How Does Divorce Mediation Work?
Facing a divorce is confusing. You are approaching an unfamiliar process. Have your heard about divorce mediation? Here is my summary of the divorce mediation process. I work with both husband and wife together. You don’t need to be on the same page regarding the resolution of your divorce matters. You do need to be in agreement…
When I sit across from a couple who is embarking on the divorce process I ask them about their greatest concerns. The vast majority of divorcing couples fortunately say, our children. Tamara D. Afifi, currently a professor at the University of Iowa, presented a TED talk on the impact of parental conflict on children. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKcNyfXbQzQ)…
A common theme when approaching divorce is fear. Of course there is fear of the unknown, but what about the fear that results from spousal threats? The BEST OF list of COMMONLY HEARD THREATS: “I will tell the court that you—had an affair, use anti-anxiety medication, have a couple of glasses of wine in a…
Read MoreWhich Wolf Will You Feed?
Over the weekend I saw a movie that contained a fabulous parable. According to my research it is an old Cherokee fable. “One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. “One is Evil –…
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We have redesigned the new hope divorce mediation website and in the spirit of renewal I am recommitting to writing blog posts on a more regular basis. I thought I’d begin with the most common concern that potential clients relate to me when they first call to inquire about mediation. “I’ve never been through this…
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