Posts Tagged ‘PA’
More Tips for Divorced Parents to Prepare for the School Year
Several weeks ago as school approached I blogged on divorced couples co-parenting tips for the new school year. This is such an important topic that when I saw the recent Huffington Post article that suggested some additional co-parenting tips and support, I thought it was important to dedicate another blog to the topic in order…
Read MoreIs a Party who is Less Business Savvy at a Disadvantage in Mediation?
Whether a party is at a disadvantage in the mediation setting when he or she is less business savvy if a frequently asked question. I believe the opposite is true. In a courtroom, decisions are being made for the parties by lawyers and judges. Oftentimes the parties are sitting on benches on opposite ends of…
Read MoreBack to School Tips for Divorced Co-parents
Following on the heels of last week’s suggestions for stepparents, the tips for divorced co-parenting are also based on common sense. It’s still helpful to follow a guided outline of do’s and don’t’s especially when your children are involved. This way you ensure that both parents and stepparents stay focused on their children’s best interests. …
Read MoreThe New Generation – A Friendly Divorce is Not an Oxymoron
The current generation of young couples, Generation X, is the generation of children of divorced parents. Increasingly, these young couples are making different choices as the generation who come from divorced parents. They want to do better or somehow not make the same mistakes their parents made. When I was doing research for another blog…
Read MoreShould Alimony be Predictable?
There are child support guidelines so that parents can determine the amount of money each must contribute for the purpose of raising their child. The law dictates how the numbers to be plugged into the formula should be calculated. When special needs or circumstances exist, the law provides for deviation from the formula so that…
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