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Alimony and Fault
It is a familiar lament…my spouse cheated on me so it’s not fair for me to have to pay alimony. The hurt spouse’s point is well taken. The law, however, views fault as merely a factor among many others that may in rare, egregious cases be taken into account. Fault is considered in very, very…
10 Divorce Email & Texting Tips
There are both positive and negative side effects to modern day modes of communication through electronic means. I will sometimes advise clients to keep each other in the loop through email so there is a record of the communication thread which can be retrieved if necessary. On the other hand, since personal inflection and intention…
How are Custody Issues Addressed in Mediation?
One of the best gifts a divorcing couple can give to their children is to work together to resolve their issues rather than tearing each other apart through a contentious court litigation fight. Mediation can be the couple’s first opportunity to learn to work together under potentially stressful circumstances to make decisions in the best…
Is a Party who is Less Business Savvy at a Disadvantage in Mediation?
Whether a party is at a disadvantage in the mediation setting when he or she is less business savvy if a frequently asked question. I believe the opposite is true. In a courtroom, decisions are being made for the parties by lawyers and judges. Oftentimes the parties are sitting on benches on opposite ends of…
What Issues Are Addressed in Divorce Mediation?
The same issues are addressed in divorce mediation that are addressed when a couple divorces through litigation in court. The biggest difference is that the parties are not adversaries in the traditional sense, but are working toward a resolution of their legal issues. It’s not necessary that the mediating couple is on amicable terms. While…
Back to School Tips for Divorced Co-parents
Following on the heels of last week’s suggestions for stepparents, the tips for divorced co-parenting are also based on common sense. It’s still helpful to follow a guided outline of do’s and don’t’s especially when your children are involved. This way you ensure that both parents and stepparents stay focused on their children’s best interests. …