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Obama’s DOMA Decision Deconstructed

Two weeks ago I took a GLBT continuing legal education course in order to be better prepared to mediate same sex divorce and separation issues.  As a result, I became much more familiar with DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and it’s significance.  This is the federal law that prohibits marriage between same sex couples.  It…

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Divorce is More Affordable Due to Economic Recovery

One of the greatest challenges I have as a divorce mediator is to divide a couple’s marital estate so that both parties are able to move forward financially as separate individuals. Not only is it important to allocate the parties’ respective assets and debts according to the law, but it is also essential as a…

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Handling Divorce with Grace

I had the opportunity to talk with Kate Fratti, journalist with the Bucks County Courier Times, about how couples can divorce with grace. Check out the article in Friday’s Bucks County Courier Times or click here to read online. Handling Divorce with Grace By: Kate Fratti, Bucks County Courier Times There’s no way to end a…

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The Effect of Divorce on Pets

I had the opportunity to talk to Amy Worden about the effect of the Rendells’ divorce on their dogs. Click here to read the story.

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The Rendells Split Wisely and Amicably, But Is Divorce Political Suicide?

Since I mediate divorces on both sides of the Delaware river, I had planned to blog this week on a new development in New Jersey family law since last week’s blog was on Pennsylvania’s new child custody law. I can’t ignore, however, the big divorce news that broke this week in Pennsylvania. The Rendells are…

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House Bill 1639/Act 112 on Child Custody is a step in the right direction.

PA House Bill 1639, now Act 112 will now govern all Pennsylvania custody cases commenced on or after January 24, 2011.  The new law is a positive step toward quantifying the subjective decisions the court is required to make regarding child custody.  For instance, the court is now required to list the factors it considered…

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