Divorce and Tele-Mediation

In order to continue to provide mediation services through the pandemic, I have taken to using video conferencing on a regular basis. I find empathy and connection to be such an important part of the mediation process that I was concerned about using the computer as a communication medium. My concern was misplaced. I have found that much if not all of the same connection can be found through our video conferences. It has become a very convenient option. People like it because they may participate from the comfort of their own homes without the hassle of the commute. For me, I enjoy meeting people’s pets and sometimes getting a deeper sense of my clients by communicating with them in their natural setting. I have had couples participate with coffee and wine—of course one spouse drinking red and the other white!
To learn more about tele-mediation read this article, “Tele-Mediation: A Game Changer for Divorcing Couples.”