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Help for Upside Down Mortgages

So many of the couples who I’ve been working with lately are finding themselves upside down on their mortgages.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, being ‘upside down’ means that you owe more to the lender on your mortgage than your home is currently worth.   The refrain I often hear is…

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The 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Divorce

DIVORCE DO’S Get educated—empower yourself to make your own decisions. Stay focused on what’s important.  Don’t spend thousands to save $100. Be generous with your actions and decisions regarding your children. If you are flexible and reasonable, you will get through this difficult stage of your life and begin to transition into your next chapter.  Eventually…

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Can a Divorce Settlement be Invalidated?

This week lawyers across the board have been up in arms over the case of a divorced man who is a victim of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.  He is asking the court to re-open his divorce settlement.  The contention is based on the legal issue that both husband and wife made the mutual mistake of…

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Duration of Divorce Mediation Process

I am often asked how long the process of divorce mediation takes.  There are many different models of divorce mediation.  Many mediators use the same hourly billing method that traditional attorneys use.  The problem with that from a time line perspective is that the case can drag on for an indeterminable period of time similar…

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New Credit Rules – Household Income No Longer Counts

This week I learned about a recent change in the law that will affect divorcing couples’ credit and their ability to move forward financially.  In a nutshell, as of October 1, 2011, instead of household income, only individual income will be considered for establishing credit.  This means that a stay at home mom is going…

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Why Choose Divorce Mediation?

As a rule the public generally thinks of the divorce process as a litigated divorce—two parties going to court until the matter is concluded either by the decision of a judge or by the parties settling things somewhere down the line.  Unfortunately this process takes a long time, costs a lot of money and most…

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