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Boosting Self-Esteem After Divorce

It’s time to remind yourself of who you are now that you are on your own.  There are plenty of steps to take to boost your self-esteem.  Check out this article for a few tips.

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How to Reinvigorate Your Life After Divorce

You may want to force yourself to focus forward.  You may now make your own decision about renovating your home if you can afford it or make your surroundings your own however you can. This article provides some helpful tips about reinvigorating yourself with self-care and reestablishing old friendships.

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Divorce and Your Finances

This article outlines some wise steps for moving forward after divorce.  While many fear the unknown financially and otherwise, it is also an opportunity to take control and be the CEO of your own independent financial household.

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How Does Divorce Affect Your Retirement

Both New Jersey and Pennsylvania are equitable distribution states.  As such, retirement assets earned during the marriage are marital property subject to equitable distribution.  Likewise, retirement assets earned prior to or after the marriage are excluded.  It is very important, as this article outlines, that your retirement assets are transferred correctly so that you are…

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Co-Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Disagreement regarding parenting time and pandemic guidelines is rising to the surface as a significant point of disagreement during this unprecedented time.  I think the primary focus as divorced parents seek common ground is RESPECT.  While it is important to respect each other through the co-parenting partnership, the COVID pandemic stresses these agreements because your…

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How to Manage Your Emotions When Co-Parenting

This article lays out some great tips for taking the reactive emotion out of co-parenting.  The tips, however, are universal and particularly helpful when transitioning into your independent life.  As a mediator, I see broken down and/or reactive communication daily.  As an example, this article addresses everyone wanting to be right.  My belief is that…

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