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Divorce and Tele-Mediation
In order to continue to provide mediation services through the pandemic, I have taken to using video conferencing on a regular basis. I find empathy and connection to be such an important part of the mediation process that I was concerned about using the computer as a communication medium. My concern was misplaced. I have…
Moving Forward After Divorce
These are fabulous suggestions for moving forward after divorce. 1. You are allowed to grieve. It is almost impossible not to regardless of whether you were the initiator. 2. Prioritize your children’s future. 3. Get on top of running your financially independent household. That doesn’t mean you are not receiving or paying…
What You Shouldn’t Tell Your Kids About Your Divorce
I love this article because it encapsulates my pet peeves. Remember that if you “bash your ex” or soon to be ex, then you are criticizing 50% of your child. The parent who does not speak ill of the other parent will ‘win’ in the end as your child will ‘get it’ when they get…
Helping Your Child Deal with Your Divorce
There are three important points I want to point out from the topics addressed in this article. 1. I agree that counseling for your child can be very helpful while you are going through the transition of divorce. Many children are afraid, or concerned about, hurting their parent’s feelings so they can’t share the…
Student Loans and Divorce
This is sometimes a complex issue which is an important topic of conversation in mediation. More often than not in mediation the party with the student debt retains the debt in his or her name even if it is in exchange for another item of consideration, but the law regarding the responsibility for student debt…
Investing In Your Health After Divorce
Investing in your health leads to self-confidence and exponential dividends in your future. For tips on how to boost your health after divorce, check out this article, “Importance of Investing in Your Health After Divorce.”